Area Networks
Uniting for Change is expanding the self-advocacy network across Georgia by establishing strong Local Area Networks in five areas of the state. By growing the self-advocacy movement we are hoping that more people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the state of Georgia take control of their lives, their services, and their citizenship within their local communities, state, nation, and the world.

GA Area
GA Area
Metro Atlanta
GA Area
GA Area
GA Area
NorthEast GA
Write letters, make phone calls, and schedule in person visits with local elected officials.
Meeting with local community police, fire department, medical professionals, and others.
Increasing community education and interaction with agencies and politicians.
Organizing local community events to increase visibility.

Northwest GA
Participating in local school system Transition Fairs and festivals
Increase community outreach and local advocacy
Advocating for increased transportation options
Increase local employment opportunities through education

Metro Atl
Educating the wider community about Uniting for Change and growing the network.
Building relationships with elected officials - writing letters, postcards.
Advocating for more sidewalks, better transportation, more affordable housing options, increasing supported employment services, and more opportunities to live independently.

Middle GA
Building relationships with local elected officials.
Get more involved in self-advocacy.
Write newspaper articles.
Advocate for more opportunities and activities within the community.
Better transportation options and more jobs.

South GA
Create videos about advocacy topics.
Build relationships with the local government - mayor, city council, and the wider community.
Write articles for the local newspaper, post on social media, write letters.
Have more variety in daily schedule.
Hold membership drives and local community events to increase visibility and inform others about U4C.